Got Troubles? Signs Your Kitchen Needs A Plumber

If you don't have leaky faucets, you might not think you need a plumber. That's not the case though. That's especially true when your kitchen is concerned. A lot of plumbing problems can pop up in the kitchen and all of them need to be taken seriously. If you're not sure it's time to call a plumber, read the list below. Here are four kitchen plumbing problems that need a plumber. [Read More]

3 Ways To Avoid A Toilet Paper-Related Plumbing Issue

Toilet paper is a must-have in any bathroom, but it is also important to note that it can also be a source of stress. Misusing toilet paper or using the wrong type of toilet paper can quickly lead to a clogged toilet and the potential for greater plumbing issues. Learn more about protecting your plumbing system from a toilet paper-related issue. 1. Less Is More   Again, toilet paper is necessary for a bathroom, but there is no rule that you must use it excessively. [Read More]

How To Install A Tankless Water Heater

If you make the upgrade from a tank water heater to a tankless water heater, you'll save space and produce hot water more efficiently. However, tankless water heater installation requires a more in-depth installation that involves swapping out a hot water tank with another hot water tank.  Upgrade Your Gas Line/Electrical Panel  You need to have a steady gas line or electrical flow to power your tankless water heater, which may require an upgrade to the gas line or the electric panel. [Read More]

Why Is Your Garbage Disposal Leaking?

Like any plumbing device, garbage disposals can spring leaks. These leaks can happen in various places and parts. Read on to learn about some common causes of these leaks.  Flange Problems Your garbage disposal uses a ring-shaped flange to connect to your sink. This part helps water run into the unit. If it develops a fault, then your unit will leak from the top. Flanges can fail if their rubber gaskets or seals develop a problem. [Read More]